How to Use Nox Professional Extra Bleaching Series?
- Separate the hair into 4 parts and apply on the hair in the form of thin pieces.
- After 30 minutes on the hair, slightly dilute the dye at the roots and pull the dye towards the ends.
- For gray hair coverage, 45 minutes is the waiting time.
- Remove the dye from the hair using the dye locking treatment series.
Mix 100 ml cream hair dye and 200 ml cream peroxide in a non-metal container until homogeneous. It is recommended to use 6% (20 vol.) cream peroxide to dye one tone lighter on gray and dyed hair; 6% (30 vol.) cream peroxide to dye two tones lighter and 12% (40 vol.) cream peroxide to dye more than two tones lighter on hair that does not have a high percentage of gray; 3% (10 vol.) cream peroxide on sensitive, damaged hair and hair with a high percentage of gray hair. The hair should not be washed and should be dry prior to dyeing application.
First Application (Complete Hair Dyeing): 2 cm of hair is left out on the top of the head and the rest of the hair is dyed. The lower parts are painted after 10 minutes and the hair is completely combed. Wait for 30 minutes and rinse the hair off.
Second application: First, the top part of the hair is dyed. The entire hair is dyed and combed after 20 minutes. Wait for 10 minutes and rinse the hair off. Avoid unnecessary contact with skin.